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Nicron #104: A translation

The following text is a translation of part of a Russian article printed in Spectrum diskmag "Nicron". The translation was created electronically by PROMT's Online Translator, so does not necessarily make complete sense! The words printed in brackets are generally alternative suggestions for words. There are several Russian words (switch to Windows Russian encoding to read them) still on the article, some followed by my guess-o-translation(tm) in grey text.

My thanks go to Arcadiy Gobuzov who provided me with an original outline of this article (which actually made a lot more sense than this translation), and also directed me towards a site which led me to the translation service I used to get this.

Sir Клайв Синклер [Clive Sinclair], or Alive and Dead:)

(c) Wlodek Black

* Unsatisfactory Software *
Chris Young - вебмастер [Webmaster] and the holder of a site,
the chief of the project
"Your Sinclair: A Celebration",
programmer on "Амиге" [Amiga]

Mr. Крис Янг [Chris Young]

to this address (URL) мож- but to find a site of Mr. Криса Янга. " Unsatisfactory " translates ся as "неудовле- instrumental ", therefore to not call(cause) кривотолков [confusion? concern?], the owner of a site immediately gives an explanation: the name was invented by the most progressive method - "тыка" in the dictionary. As, according to the author, the knowledge it(him) and his(its) friends in амижном the emulator " Advanced Lawntower Simulator " (ALS) in that time (1996) corresponded(met) to value of a word.

Now "Unsatisfactory Software" - one of the largest sites devoted Спектруму: subjects devoted амижному to the emulator Спектрума ALS, and project YSAC - " Your Sinclair: A Celebration ". Russian спектрумистам famous since 1984 and during on following(next) of ten years the magazine "Your Sinclair" also is familiar enough, though was not issued in Russian.

The letter from Mr. Криса Янга [me again!] was truly huge. I with pleasure would publish the letter, that all could feel a sincere heat of words of his(its) author, but letter all the same personal... In the answer to my question Mr. Крис has informed, that it(he) has sent searches in all conceivable newsgroups, has lifted on legs (them(him,it), has put on уши ;-)) ) all familiar синклеристов, that насобирать all possible(probable) information, what only could be after past half-year, if only she(it) in general was. It(he) even try ся independently пошуровать on a site of the newspaper "Таймс" [The Times], but.. .. if has appeared, that the retrieval system on a site does not work. Yes if also worked take advantage of her(it) the registered users can only... Still Mr. Крис Янг was disturbed, whether I understand his(its) letters, differently it(he) is ready to strive about translation (!)...

In the letter, which I have sent to Mr. Крису after a perusal of his(its) message, I one nothing asked! I only thanked, in a complete measure of the possession English ;)!

And the next day to me the letter with already familiar обрат- ным by the address with the domain "unsatisfactory" has come, in the application to which laid accurately зазипованная :) ill- starred clause from 24 авгус- that - in the original. That, read translation and look, whether it is possible a word "maintenance" to translate as "suicide"... By the way, from пер- вого of my interlocutor - Mr. Криса Оуэна - the message has come, that in Mensa in that пору the case суицида, but only took place... The secretary of the Chairman. Probably, this incident has served причи- ной of a maintenance of sir Клайва [Clive] from the post - it is not known...

.... And who has told, what clause was in "Таймс"? (Though, probably, there too there was clause, but her(it) nobody has found:)).

In - common, sir Клайв is alive and, despite of a maintenance from club интеллек- туалов, continues to work in complete force of the uncommon mind(wit). His(its) present project - "Computer for Millenium".

How to thank Mr. Криса Янга? Between us of thousand kilometers... sorry, miles :), and what I could give преуспева- ющему, probably, mister, to the inhabitant stable and quiet Order кобритании? Hе [Not?] having thought up anything best, I have told to Mr. Крису, that I shall write about it(him) in Nicron-е:). Fortunately, Mr. Крис скром- ничать did not become :), I at once have understood it :), when has seen I follow щее the letter from him(it), with a photosnapshot, приколотым to an envelope shine of a russian cabbage soup by a paper clip :) with a shrick:-)). Hу, generally I have asked it(him) to inform the photograph ;).

Hадо to tell, that for those days, while I "dug" under this прокля- тую a history with "suicide", to me has got on eyes much Photosnapshots of sir Клайва Синклера [Clive Sinclair], as already seen earlier, and less known, and the image благообразного of the man of average years, in glasses and with бородкой, had time(was in time) to turn in my consciousness to a certain stereotype, not persuasive, but also not преходящий [correct?]. And with it са- we by a stereotype in башке I, mean, I press Enter on jpeg-е мис- тера Криса Янга...

[Observant 'viewers' will notice I have removed the photo :-)]

Крис Янг

...A picture Ильи Ефимовича Репина "Hе waited"! ;-)) ... Or in translation ;-)) on English: "Hello, Chris!!!" :))). In - common, before you that man, about which to the moment получе- ния of last letter I knew only that it(he) - very kind man, for only kind man is capable so hotly response нуться on another's (really, completely another's!) the request, on can and make it is so much everything, about what it(him) at all did not ask (in a ray шем sense!)!

About itself Крис has told (and has asked to mention in the newspaper) an example but following: "Hе think, that I such заядлый the pianist (on a snapshot am represented the man playing on a grand piano; here it is visible ху-;) - comment WB)... To me 19 years, but I know, that I do not look on so much... I now in general look differently, as couple of weeks back has had hair cut :) ... ".

Now we are familiar!

Who else I consider(count) as the debt to thank everyone, who was involved in "process"! A thank: Крису Янгу - once again:)!