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Input File - Click on the button for a file requester or type the path of the AmigaGuide database you want to convert. This is the only required option.

Output Path - Select the path where you want the converted files to be saved. NB: GuideML will overwrite any existing files with the same names, so it is recommended to select an empty directory as the output path.

Home URL - The URL for the Home button

Search URL - The URL for a Search button

CSS URL - The URL of a Cascading Style Sheet

Link Prefix - Text to add to the start of every link, this is useful if you want the pages to be loaded via a script, links to "main.html" could become something like "site.php?page=main.html"

Body - Text to add to the <body> tage of each page

HTML Header - A file containing HTML to add to the top of every converted page

HTML Footer - A file containing HTML to add to the bottom of every converted page

Convert - Start the conversion