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Start page

Note that the start page for converted AmigaGuides is always main.html (or main.htm) rather than index.html.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

GuideML supports stylesheets to some extent from v2.x. You can link an external style sheet to any generated HTML with the CSS keyword. In addition, GuideML from 2.5 adds a "class" attribute to the "font" tag generated when it encounters a @{fg amigaguide attribute within the guide.

How this works is fairly simple. If you use @{fg shine}, then you need to add a style for "font.agshine" to the style sheet you specified with the CSS keyword. This follows the same format for all colours - eg @{fg fill} will inherit the attributes for "font.agfill".

Wordwrapping features

In order so you understand the difference between the three options:

In non-wrapped mode, GuideML simply dumps everything to a page in "preformatted" mode (<pre> tag)

WORDWRAP puts a line break in at the end of each physical line, but does not include the preformatted tag.

SMARTWRAP puts a line break in on empty lines only - therefore you need two blank lines for a single blank line to show up in the HTML.

These should convert @wordwrap and @smartwrap accurately, and WORDWRAP may be useful for most other guides as well.

Note that the little-known @{par}, @{line}, @{code} and @{body} commands can help with formatting especially @smartwrapped guides.