Title | Size | Version | Date | Platform | Type | Category | Project | Description |
uuid.library | 12K | 1.1 | 22 Oct 2018 | AmigaOS4,Source | orig | dev | [website] | UUID generating library |
TRE | 355K | 0.8.0 | 12 Oct 2012 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | [more info] | regexp matching library, agrep |
webp.library | 1104K | 4.1 (libwebp 0.2.0) | 25 Sep 2012 | AmigaOS4,Source | port | dev | [more info] | WebP image codec library and conversion tools |
ZBar | 897K | 1.1 (0.10) | 09 Apr 2012 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | [more info] | Barcode scanner library and CLI tool |
hubbub.library | 1396K | 1.3 (0.1.2) | 07 Apr 2012 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | [more info] | HTML5 parser library |
parserutils.library | 537K | 1.5 (0.1.1) | 07 Apr 2012 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | [more info] | Utility library for parser building |
neon | 834K | 0.29.6 | 06 Apr 2012 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | [more info] | HTTP/WebDAV client library |
GStreamer | 13996K | 0.10.35 | 14 Dec 2011 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Media streaming library |
GLib | 19162K | 2.30.1 | 14 Dec 2011 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Partial port of GLib |
libffi | 1020K | 3.0.10 | 14 Dec 2011 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | libffi |
QScintilla 2 | 4789K | 2.6 | 23 Nov 2011 | AmigaOS4 | obs qt port | dev | [SUPERCEDED] | Source code editing component for Qt |
lzma.library | 539K | 5.1 (liblzma 5.0.2) | 09 Apr 2011 | AmigaOS4 | obs port | dev | [SUPERCEDED] | LZMA/XZ library, xzdec/lzmadec (OS4.1FE has a newer version) |
libpbl | 2663K | 1.04.04 | 16 Feb 2011 | AmigaOS4,Source | port | dev | [more info] | Program Base Library newlib/static port |
iconv.library | 882K | 1.1 (libiconv 1.13.1) | 21 Nov 2010 | AmigaOS4,Source | port | dev | [more info] | Character set conversion library |
pasmo | 2917K | | 17 Oct 2010 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | [more info] | Multiplatform Z80/8080 cross-assembler |
libiconv | 1563K | 1.13.1 | 16 Sep 2010 | AmigaOS4 | obs port | dev | [SUPERCEDED] | Character set conversion library |
libjpeg8 | 1296K | 8b | 16 Sep 2010 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | JPEG encoding/decoding library |
liboauth | 127K | 0.9.1 | 16 Sep 2010 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Library implementing the http://oauth.net API |
libtiff | 934K | 3.8.2 | 20 Mar 2010 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Tag Image File Format (TIFF) SObj |
libxmi | 564K | 1.2 | 29 Nov 2009 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | GNU 2D rasterisation library newlib/sobj |
libical | 1884K | 0.44 | 19 Oct 2009 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | iCalendar protocol/data format implementation |
libayemu+PSG | 570K | | 12 Oct 2009 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | libayemu with PSG (FUSE) support |
so-installer | 19K | 1.2 | 04 May 2009 | Amiga,Installer,Source | orig | dev | [more info] | Installer script for SObjs |
liblcms | 758K | 1.17 | 13 Mar 2009 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Colour management library static/SObj |
libmng | 650K | 1.0.10 | 13 Mar 2009 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | MNG graphics library static/SObj |
libdl | 16K | 1 | 26 Jan 2009 | AmigaOS4 | orig | dev | | libdl wrapper with shared object examples |
addr2line.rexx | 13K | 1 | 26 Jan 2009 | AmigaOS4 | orig | dev | | Arexx script which converts function offsets |
gperf | 422K | 3.0.3 | 10 Dec 2008 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Generates perfect hash functions |
libbz2 | 258K | 1.0.5 | 05 Jul 2008 | Amiga | port | dev | [more info] | OS4 Sobj and static libraries, and static library for 68k vbcc |
libspectrum | 319K | 0.4.0 | 07 Jan 2008 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | spectrum file handling library |
libdsk | 813K | 1.2.1 | 15 Mar 2008 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | disk image manipulation library |
lib765 | 119K | 0.4.0 | 09 Jun 2007 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | fdc controller emulation library |
rx3h | 14K | 2.3 | 18 Apr 2007 | Amiga | orig | dev | [more info] | http-handler and screens-related Arexx function library |
libfreevec | 1024K | 0.8 | 11 Sep 2006 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Altivec optimised clib functions |
CAZM | | 1.27 | | Amiga,Source | update | dev | | An updated but slightly incompatible version of CAZ, a Z80 assembler |
lemon | 110K | 1.0 | 02 Aug 2008 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | LALR parser for C/C++ |
re2c | 1140K | 0.12.3 | 02 Aug 2008 | AmigaOS4 | port | dev | | Scanner generator for regular expressions |
Quieter Installer scripts for AmiUpdate | | | | AmigaOS4 | misc | dev | [more info] | Suppress prompting for Installer scripts invoked by AmiUpdate AutoInstall |