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It is also "Jan 19 2046, 03:14:08" compatible. However, there are a few
issues surrounding dates and the Amiga/UNIX/NTP which will affect FACTS;

Some of this information comes from the Y2k White Paper at Amiga
(used to be at http://www.amiga.de/diary/developers/092098-y2k.html)

'daytime' service

This is Year 2000 compatible, but unfortunately there appears to be two
different date formats which they transmit. One type will be fine, but the
other only sends two digits for the year. Therefore, FACTS takes the first
two digits as "20" if the year is below 78, and as "19" if it is above "78".
This will cause a problem in the year 2078, but can be fixed by selecting
the compatibility setting Use 2015 As 2 Digit Base

NTP (time and sntp services)

NTP servers measure time by the number of seconds passed since Jan 01, 1900.
The largest value this can hold is Feb 07 2036 06:28:18, so while NTP is
quite able to cope with that FACTS will think it's 1900 again. Since the
Amiga can't actually go back earlier than 1978, there's no telling what this
will do. After this date, please select the compatibility setting
2036 Mode


UNIX usually measures time as the number of seconds since 1970: when this
clocks over (in about 2107) it could have a diastrous affect on NTP;
especially considering the time services measure time from a different
base (it is likely to start transmitting negative time!). No fix. I doubt
this will actually happen.

Feb 07, 2114

The Amiga measures time by the number of seconds passed since Jan 01, 1978.
The largest number of seconds it can hold equates to Feb 07 2114 06:28:15,
so after this time the clock will reset to Jan 01 1978, 00:00:00. There is
nothing I can do about this, and I very much doubt that anybody will still
be using Classic Amigas and FACTS when that time comes.


Battery backed-up clocks only store the year as two digits. Therefore, even
though FACTS can cope until the year 2114, a reboot will cause the system
to think it is 2014. More specifically, in 2078 the clock will think the
year is 1978 (and in 2079, the clock will think it's 1979 etc).

Still, if you've got FACTS running and your Amiga permanently connected to
the Internet (presumably all Internet access and local phone calls will be
free by the year 2078), then FACTS will actually help to fix this problem...

However, by setting the compatibility mode BattClock 2078
FACTS will adjust the clock appropriately at startup.

Version command

The version command distributed with Workbench 3.0 and 3.1 is not
Year 2000 compatible. For example, the date 03.01.2000 will show up with
these commands as either 09.02.2036 or 30.07.1994 (depending on whether the
creator has used two or four digits for the date). If this happens to you, please
upgrade your version command to v40.3 found on http://www.amiga.de/

I've included the update archive in version 3.0 of FACTS, for people who are
unable to access Amiga's website. This is a one-off inclusion, and will not
be available in any further FACTS archives.